Streamer addresses the top r/cringe post from yesterday in which the armchair psychologists in the comments were diagnosing him with "addiction"

Two other instances:

  • It was during one of their podcasts and the topic of conversation was shaming people for liking or not liking a game. I think they were talking about Last of Us II. Charlie said he's never shit on anyone for liking the game but his podcast co-star Jackson speaks up and says yes he did. They go back and forth on this point but it seemed very clear to me Jackson wasn't lying. Just my take on the situation.

  • Charlie got one of his videos taken down of him giving commentary on a video. The video itself was of a road rage incident involving some guys in various looney tune character costumes. When he gives the commentary, he says the video is for sure real or something of that nature. Basically I remember thinking it seemed like he was sold that it was real. However when his video got deleted and he made a video on THAT topic, he said it was clear he was joking about the video being real and that it never should have been taken down. My take could very well be wrong but I perceived it as disingenuous.

I fully admit these could be dismissed easily by others as me misreading the situation or whatever. It very well could be. However both of these situations along with the current one reeked of sketchiness to me.

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