Streamer banned for "Blackface" after cosplaying Lifeline from Apex

using race as a fashion accessory

Overstatement of the year. It was for a costume... not like she was going out to the club in blatant blackface. She also used makeup on the rest of her body, too... so even less of a blackface than a typical blackface. Not to mention the fact there was zero ill-intent... but that doesn't stop people like you from wanting action taken against her.

by doing so you’re just normalizing the behavior

Imagine a world where people could dress up as characters they admire on rare occasions. Oh no! /s

You act like people would be wearing blackface every day for no reason if you didn't have your outrage and overly-sensitive empathetic morons conceding to it. It wasn't done in the past and it's not happening now. Grow up.

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