Streaming is not EITHER "Just have fun with it!" OR "Treat it like a lifeless business". You can do both, and more.

100%. There's a pretty sour attitude - predominantly in /r/twitch - that treating your stream like a business, or at the very least applying strategy and business thinking to Twitch, is a bad thing. Some people will burn out from it. Others will burn out from streaming to 2 viewers for two years. Some people want to be casual streamers. Others want to turn content creation into their career.

But it makes no sense to bash on someone for approaching Twitch and YouTube with a business mindset. If you aren't preparing for new streams, creating art, thinking about the *intentions* behind each of your decisions, planning content and "bits" to spice things up, networking, then you're going to grow a lot slower than the people who are doing all of these things. Growing on Twitch is the business of *people*. Learning what people like and don't like, understanding why a viewer would stay in your stream, why a viewer would return to watch you again, learning what people are looking for on Twitch and YouTube and providing that.

And you can do all of that while staying true to yourself and who you are. You can be authentic and *also* make smart business decisions that stay true to your authenticity.

/r/Twitch Thread