Striker AC's the king of farming but you still gotta love Pathfinder's loot llama!

How I know what I'm talking about. Necessary flex incoming.

solod pl 118 cat 4 atlas with 3 wood floor spikes

Just reverse stairs on atlases and my own funnels that you dont see in game ever

No basements / edges of map / major natural funnels

Show me literally any player in the game that can pull this off.

I know how the game works and whats efficient. Player-skill based solos for the hardest content = knowledge of game.

And I know that AMC isnt useless, despite never claiming its the godliest ability like you think I did or something.

Dragon slash does what a gas trap does.

250k energy damage kills a group of riot huskies with super shielders.

Also you dont need to charge it at all for knockback, you just tap it and send two smashers flying backwards every 7s

You probably use wall-stair-wall funnels, or dont know how to truly efficiently funnel.

You can't throw out a bunch of insults and say "nobody does this, nobody does that"

No one should give a shit what is done and what isnt done as long as its efficient.

Once again, this brick wall would love for you to try to change my mind once more when I say that AMC isnt useless.

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