Striker Nerfs and OEM Nerf

justifies having broken things in the game

Not broken. You're just bitching. I certainly don't feel overpowered running bottom tree right now. I feel like I can compete. I suppose if you want it to be all Hunters 24/7 again, that's "overpowered".

Skating existed for way too long

Don't give a fuck. Nobody plays PC. Still, even now, after free-to-play, nobody plays on PC.

You've got like 200k people concurrent in all game modes. No-one cares.

The console sandbox is where the players are. It's the one that matters.

when forsaken came out Ursa Furiosa gave titans infinite supers

Bullshit. Every single class had their self-recharge-super item. You don't get to use this as an example.

Titans were fucked forever, now they're decent. Just decent.

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