Striving for financial independence.. Still depressed

Have you considered therapy? If you have depression and/or self confidence issues, therapy can help. It sounds like you need to get your priorities in order, and a therapist can help with that too. Working a job you hate will seriously ruin your life. It will burn you out and take a toll on your relationships and motivation. It might be worth taking a pay cut to do something that you actually like. Or spending more on things that will make you happy. The point of FI is not to be miserable.

A good therapist will also know where you can find support groups focused on building social skills, if that's a serious concern. If you're in a major metropolitan area I guarantee there are groups dedicated to developing young men's social skills. If it's just that you're rusty, start going to local events for practice. The point is not to make BFFs or get married the first time you go out. It to be able to hold a basic conversation. Fuck up and come across like a total weirdo. That's okay. Social embarrassment cannot kill you (no matter how much you feel like crawling under a rug and dying). Figure out that you don't like everybody, and not everybody likes you. That's okay too. You're going to need a healthy ego to really get through this. If you're struggling, again, therapy.

If you take care of the first two (or three?) things, then talking to women, specifically, will follow. Women are people who prefer being interacted with like human beings, not magpies that chase shiny objects. There are women on this sub, after all, and I doubt they put a lot of emphasis on Rolexes. Plus, at your age, being cheap and/or not having any discretionary money is pretty common. Everyone is in college or paying down student loan debt (you still pay something to attend college in Canada, right?). Expectations are low.

/r/financialindependence Thread