A strong person is not the person who throws their adversaries to the ground. A strong person is a person who contains himself when he is angry. -Muhammad [1080x1080]

This isn't middle earth where the wise and the strong hold sway over the plebs.

This is IRL in the office with the people you work with. People will take advantage of that. They will push you, to see how far they can go. Testing your limits.

Getting you angry is what they don't want you to do. So, don't make it difficult for people to get you mad.

Make those fuckers walk on eggshells around you, then you will never have to deal with being angry or even have to "Throw your coworkers to the ground."

Especially that last part. Avoiding assault charges is paramount. Trust me, let your anger out. Because sooner when you namaste will turn into "namagunnabeatyourass!"

/r/QuotesPorn Thread Link - i.redd.it