I have a strong urge to move to a specific place I have never been before idk why but it's calling me?

So I have done this. Even if anyone here tells you to follow the urge you're better off ignoring them and coming to your own conclusion.

I quit my job on like a 5K payday and took that plus the little I had saved and jettisoned my ass out of the city I had grown up in. Long story short I ended up in Oregon. You heard me, ended up. My advice: make sure you are acting on instinct and intuition working together instead of just an urge. Although I did act on the former I would have planned better if I hadn't listened to the latter. Would I do it all over again? I have no idea, probably with more tact. It was an absolutely amazing experience and changed the way I see life. It changed the way I communicate. It opened my mind with natural beauty I'd never seen before because hey, it was Oregon and I had easy access by train to Washington. As someone who grew up with an abusive father and carried around his own sense of self abuse for awhile after leaving the nest, I would say I bought myself some good memories. The type that make me smile and in turn help me remember the other good things about how I grew up and the nice people I've always had in my life. But with positives there are also negatives. I did ending up having to leave because I was financially stressed out. We had a family crisis while I was out there which messed with the job offer I got. It was a pretty cool job. There were other negatives too, and I'm fortunate I stayed stable before. Did it wake me up? I think it played a big role. But it doesn't necessarily mean that was the only way to wake up. The suffering for me was probably more intense than the value I received. This is only how I look at it today in the now. I hope as time passes I can look back and see it as the best decision I ever made.

/r/awakened Thread