I struggle to make ACTUAL friends [33 f]

Hey girl, I've moved cities a few times in recent years and it's been hard to make friends at times. A couple of things that have helped for me: networking events for my field. I've met some cool people that way who share similar interests to me. I've been open that I attend these events not just for professional reasons but to also meet like-minded people. Meetup groups for my hobbies and interests - you already have a common interest to chat about to break the ice. And also living in sharehouses has introduced me to some people who became good friends, if that's an option for you it could work. Find a roommate you really click with, or move, it often opens doors to wider social networks.

You don't mention if you have a partner but I'm single and it's been hard to connect with women in relationships at times, because they already have someone they dedicate most of their free time to. If you are single, focussing on befriending other single women can be a real bonus because they usually have more time to dedicate to friendships and socialising. I changed jobs and made a point of asking in interviews what the makeup of the team is like and what their vibe is i.e is it a social workplace? I landed on my feet with that tactic and found a workplace with a great bunch of people who I now socialise with outside of work.

Good luck out there, it definitely can be tough. Keep working on your boundaries and just try being forthcoming when you spot a potential - "hey, it's been cool chatting, would you like to meet up for coffee/wine sometime? No pressure. I'm trying to find some cool new gal pals and I've really enjoyed hanging out with you". Best of luck to you!

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