I struggle to be a supportive friend to the women in my life who consistently choose to date (and continue dating) men that make them unhappy. Do others feel this way?

Unfortunately, I was one of those women you are describing. For two years I was 'involved' shall we say, with an alcoholic narcissistic deadbeat. It wasn't wasn't relationship, it was a shambles! I was at a vulnerable point in my life, which got worse when I became seriously ill and I was pulled in and emotional manipulated. I didn't see it for what it was despite my friends airing their concerns. One friend, who was toxic herself I removed in favour of this person. I actually don't ever regret that but I never said much to my other friends. However, I do know they knew how unhappy I was and how badly I was being treated. Sometimes you can give all the advice but unless you're in the midst of it. So I would bear with them and be there to support them when things do go pear shaped.

Thankfully, all my friends hear from me at good things and so many people have said how much happier I look with being with a wonderful man.

It's hard to have to deal with their dramas, but they will need a solid friend when they eventually do come out of it.

/r/AskWomenOver30 Thread