struggling on an assignment

Some changes I'd make:

  • Create a function to request user input
  • Pass data into a function to display the output
  • Format the output with format()

    def ask(msg, number=True): """Return valid user response to a question.

        msg, str: What to display to the user
        number, bool: Whether to enforce entry of a number
        response, (str|float): User entry, either string or float
    while True:
        response = input('{}: '.format(msg))
        if number:
                test = float(response)
            except ValueError:
                return float(response)
            return response

    def calc_pay(sales, hours, rate_comm=0.05, rate_hourly=7.5, rate_wh=25.0): comm = sales * rate_comm gross = hours * rate_hourly + sales * rate_comm taxes = gross * (rate_wh / 100.0) net = gross - taxes return { 'sales': sales, 'hours': hours, 'comm': comm, 'gross': gross, 'taxes': taxes, 'net': net, }

    def pay_stub(name, pay_info): comm = pay_info.get('comm', 0.0) gross = pay_info.get('gross', 0.0) taxes = pay_info.get('taxes', 0.0) net = pay_info.get('net', 0.0) hours = pay_info.get('hours', 0.0) sales = pay_info.get('sales', 0.0) row_header = '{:<30}{:>8}{:>8}{:>8}{:>8}{:>8}{:>8}' row_data = '{:<30}{:>8.2f}{:>8.2f}{:>8.2f}{:>8.2f}{:>8.2f}{:>8.2f}' print(row_header.format('NAME', 'GROSS', 'NET', 'TAXES', 'HOURS', 'SALES', 'COMM')) print('=' * (30 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8 + 8)) print(row_data.format(name, gross, net, taxes, hours, sales, comm))

    def main(): name = ask('Enter employee name', number=False) sales = ask('Enter sales amount') hours = ask('Enter hours worked') pay_info = calc_pay(sales, hours, rate_comm=0.07, rate_wh=30.0) pay_stub(name, pay_info)



$ py37a python /work/ 
Enter employee name: Samantha Howell
Enter sales amount: 5590
Enter hours worked: 21
NAME                             GROSS     NET   TAXES   HOURS   SALES    COMM
Samantha Howell                 548.80  384.16  164.64   21.00 5590.00  391.30
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