Struggling with 5 year marriage, seeking advice

me too. I also think there is a whole lot being left out here but don't dare say anything like that. His wife is physically abusive and if he was a woman and on and on. I think you're speculation of PPD and a mental health issues needs to be taken seriously. 2 kids under 5 and a third on the way. Her pregnancies are too close together for her to be able to recover between them but her husband is talking about how he earned time with is hobbies and 'they are both exhausted.' Thats ridiculous. There are limits to what his wife is capable of at the moment and there isn't a damn thing she can do to change it but OP justifies it by saying they are both busy.

There should not be a pregnancy. The marriage was in trouble before this third pregnancy occurred. I wonder why OP's wife insists on working. I think she is making the right choice by refusing to give up her income but it sounds like she doesn't want to be home with the kids. Thats a complicating factor when they will soon have 3 of them, especially when it sounds like neither of them wants to be home with the kids much. I don't really understand these situations. I know parents need time to themselves and need to go out and enjoy their lives kids or no kids but OP makes it sound like his time away from the family when he isn't spending time with the kids is preferable to his time with them. That is so sad. For all the issues in my family growing up the one thing I always knew was that my father wanted to spend time with us and take us camping, riding ATVs, the petting zoo, the fair, making stuff at home and so on. Anything he could do to spend time with us and his favorite way to spend his time out of work was being with his children. Obviously OP sees his work hours as 'earning' time away from his family. That is so sad.

/r/Marriage Thread Parent