Struggling with Ranked (Xbox)

I would recommend going on YouTube and watching GM/pro players doing a series from bronze to masters on a smurf or if you could find a streamer actively doing a smurf stream. I found this much more helpful to watch when I was in lower ranks then watching GM players play against other GM players because the game is played much different in lower ranks. Watching top players decision making when they are playing with less skilled players was really helpful for me. They would do things that I normally wouldn't have done or have thought of doing, like afk farm specific times of the game instead of ganking/helping and would just ignore their team complaining and would end up carrying 5-10 minutes later when they had a 4 level lead. Most of the time they explain what they are doing when they are doing it and also explain when their team is wrong etc which I found really really helpful. Just search bronze to masters on youtube and pick any youtuber you enjoy.

/r/Smite Thread