Stuck in a limbo - not ready to date, but not happy on my own either

Same boat. I still feel like I'm in a relationship with him and just can't uncurl my fingers from that last bit of us. But I gotta let go or drown in loneliness, because he's gone.

I talked to someone new today and we are going to go out in a couple weeks (our schedules are tough atm) and I'm absolutely terrified. But you know what? I'm going to close my eyes and jump - the worst that could happen is there's no spark and we go our separate ways. No risk! We could also wind up being friends, and who wants to turn down a new friend? Literally anything could happen. It's all going to add richness to my life experience and quite possibly lead to meeting even more awesome people in the world.

Never turn down a good opportunity to meet new people. We all need to be a little more Golden Retriever and a little less K-9 cop. We will get through this!

/r/ExNoContact Thread