Student activists call for Lincoln, other monuments to be removed from UW campus

Tribal structure has a lot more variation tribe to tribe compared to how European villages and what not

Villages maybe. Not countries.

We can say that because the vast vast vast majority of tribes were not sacrificing people and eating babies, where as the US started as a nation of (mostly white) immigrants that started to develop an american identity by the time they declared independence that only snowballed from their. Manifest destiny and white savior complex were literally government policy and the vast majority of eligible voters(old white men) supported it. This can be applied to all america because it was literally the american agenda.

No, it can be applied to a handful of crazy people in power. You're actively choosing to ignore the point I was making while also being an enormous hypocrite about it: You don't blame an entire people for the actions/desires of a select few. Most people didnt give a shit: they were farmers, smiths, and shopkeepers who had more important shit to worry about the2n corrupt officials seizing land from people they'd never met.

Blaming America and Americans for that is equivalent to blaming Germany and all Germans for the Holocaust, instead of putting that blame on the specific people who caused it.

Your takes are absolute shit and I strongly encourage you to stay in school.

And you're a hypocrite, who still hasn't realised I don't have any "takes", I'm just saying your shit back to you so you see how stupid it is, but you don't seem to be picking up on that.

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