Student unions in court over "bad faith and bias" against student groups. Judge concedes it seems "kafkaesque."

"Feminist groups on campus have said the “men issues” club has ties to anti-feminist groups and its language about misandry — the notion of discrimination against men, the flipside of misogyny — means it has no place on a modern campus, even if there are many women in the group. “It’s the kind of culture and climate that exists around these group… even if it’s not the group itself,” said Alyson Rogers, one of the founders of the Ryerson Feminist Collective. “It’s a gathering area for people who are anti-women, anti-feminist and rape apologists.”

"“Our decision to reject them as an official RSU group doesn’t impeded on their ability to operate on campus,” Bartlett said. “Fundamentally, groups can’t force the RSU to give them students’ money if the mandate of the group runs contrary to our core equity values of the organization.” “The acknowledgement of patriarchy… is one of our core values.”


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