Students of Reddit, have you ever lost your temper with a teacher? What's your story?

Fucker failed my final, ignored my multiple emails to go in and review my exam. So after almost a month of silence, I go over his head to the department and politely ask that someone forward my message to him in as non-accusatory/non-hostile a tone as possible.

He then replies to me and his manager, but not before the petty fuck CC’d the entire department and wrote about how I got the lowest grade in the class (which wasn’t even true) and there’s no point reviewing the exam because I’m not going to graduate anyways, but he’d let me go in to his office any time next week. I had a friend ask me wtf that was about because she was on the same mailing list somehow. He also used my full name multiple times for no reason. Ex: where you’d normally expect a “he” or “they”, he instead wrote out my full name, even multiple times in the same paragraph to make sure anyone who read it knew my name...

Worst part is I barely even interacted with him the entire semester. It was a big class, and besides the generic “thank you”/“good morning”s or whatever, I maybe raised my hand for 1 or 2 questions the entire time. So I have no idea what his problem with me was.

...but when I did go in to his office, he apologized and was really awkward. He seemed defeated, and said he’d send another mass email with an apology if I wanted. I don’t like to kick people when they’re down, so I just told him to forget about it. A professor friend of mine told me everyone knows that guy is an asshole anyways.

I did fail the exam/class though :(

/r/AskReddit Thread