Students/Teachers of Reddit, what’s the best ‘forgot to turn off the mic’ story during virtual learning?

This isn’t during Covid but instead a school play (we still use it as a warning to freshmen). But anyway, we were about to preform our opening night performance of our play. The theater was filling up with the audience as we were in the back getting our mics and just ready in general. One of the things we’re supposed to do after being checked is turn off our mics so things we don’t want the audience hearing doesn’t accidentally get projected out into the audience.

But anyway, one of the girls had just gotten checked to make sure her mic was working and forgot to turn it off as she was in the first scene. She decided last minute before the show to whisper to herself “time to pee!” Before going to the lav by the stage. This unfortunately was projected out to the entire audience where the lights had just dimmed.

And so, we must remind everyone before a show to turn their mics off after being checked.

/r/AskReddit Thread