Students using ChatGPT

Group projects can have both advantages and disadvantages. Here are some reasons why group projects may be perceived as bad:

  • Uneven distribution of work: One of the most common issues with group projects is that some members may not contribute as much as others. This can result in an uneven distribution of work and can lead to resentment among group members.
  • Communication issues: Effective communication is essential for successful group projects, but communication issues such as language barriers, misunderstandings, or lack of response can cause delays and misunderstandings.
  • Personality conflicts: Group projects require individuals to work together closely, which can lead to personality clashes and conflicts that can impact the overall success of the project.
  • Scheduling conflicts: Group members may have different schedules and commitments, making it challenging to find a time that works for everyone to meet and work on the project together.
  • Dependence on others: Group projects can require individuals to rely on their group members to complete tasks, which can be frustrating if other members are not completing their work in a timely or satisfactory manner.
  • Difficulty in evaluating individual contributions: In some cases, it may be difficult to evaluate the individual contributions of each group member, which can be problematic for grading purposes.

Yes I used chatgpt and I would do it again (evil muhaha laugh)

but in all seriousness I will expand it many students can't afford internet access and google docs is a horrible piece of software of it's many limitations.

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