Study of 95,000 children finds no link between MMR vaccines and autism, even within high-risk populations

I don't know if this helps you, but I went through something very similar over the last few months. According to Joseph Campbells "Hero's Journey", the ego death is a period where the hero withdraws from society for a time, and goes through a phase of ego-death, and then returns to civilization with a new power (to bestow on his fellow man. Something happened to me this past summer that rocked me so much that I withdrew from everyone and focused %100 on finishing my studies in art. Working with such intensity allowed for rapid increase in skill, and I posted my art on facebook for my friends to see. The more I created and shared, the more I felt I didn't need to be as cocooned in my apartment doing art, and I felt more physically stable in the world. Its hard to describe, but the cheapest way to say it would be I felt more confident in myself. I knew what my purpose was, which was creating art and getting better at it, and that became my anchor, which I could build the rest of myself off of. Every decision I make now is built off of the decision to pursue my skill, and that is stabilizing my mental state.

I kind of posted a wall of text, but hopefully I can sum it up by suggesting that you build yourself some kind of anchor, or mental foundation? Its possible that you have already built that for yourself... but you mentioned that you built masks or social engagement patterns to fit different situations, and that sounds an awful lot like what I used to do. Since I've narrowed my focus to the world of art, I've found it a lot easier to think. There aren't infinite options I have to worry about anymore. Maybe forging an anchor for yourself will help ground you in the physical world of people?

If you've already found thought of something like this, I would love to hear your thoughts, or even what you think of my idea.

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