Study: Anti-abortion views linked to sexist attitudes towards women

A drop of spit contains DNA conception creates a wholly new being. As for being a person new born babies don't have sentience if that's the sole criteria for personhood [which it think is a terrible argument in Nazi Germany Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals, the disabled anyone who wasn't Aryan was considered less than human but not just an extreme like Nazi Germany in America black people were considered less than human there are numerous examples throughout history of people who were biologically human not granted personhood but personhood isn't something you should have to earn it's something you have the moment you come into being it's what you are a person whether you can convey it or not whether you can protest or walk if you're human you should be acknowledged as a person] I think many pro choicers would be against killing new born infants and many of the arguments [but I'll admit not the main argument] for abortion are still the same like it's for the benefit of the child they would have had a shit life not being loved so kill them anyway, no one should be forced to raise a child, etc. The only arguments are the right to life vs the right to your own body. Some would say women should be allowed to kill their unborn children because pregnancy is painful and not something many asked for [and if they did want a child they probably wouldn't be getting an abortion] but very few women die when they get pregnant and have a child. Whereas with abortion the children do die and they have no say in it. I think we should stick to the facts unborn infants are still infants and the argument for personhood is not based on science. I'm not pro life because of some dumb religion or because I hate women [which I don't] but because I believe in the right to life

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