Study Says Watching the Kardashians Actually Makes You a Worse Person

A family that took 15 mimutes of fame off their daughters sex tape, used it to get a reality show. Which led to them creating their successful clothing line, make up line and a bunch of spin off reality shows.

Just recently Kim has used her fame and money to get an appeal on a life sentence for drug use, she is moving forward to help lift other unreasonable drug convictions.

Yes, how they became famous is a little weird, and their sheltered lives haven't produced the healthiest world views. However they are successful business women who have turned their family into an business empire.

If you ask me? How they were able to take that 15 mimutes of fame and make it last for almost 20 years is pretty admirable. Especially when you consider Paris Hilton who was more famous than Kim and had a sex tape released around the same time, couldn't be any less relevant now.

The Kardashians know how to market themselves to a specific age group that constantly replenishes itself. When one teenage girl ages out of their Kardash phase, another grows into their Kardash phase.

Also if you ever watched an episode, the best part of any episode is Scott and the other people in their lives, who weren't always rich. Watching them calling the girls out on their shit or mocking how oblivious they are to their privilege is sometimes reflects comments you see online. Just not as rude or hate filled.

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