Study shows you can change your personality through set goals and personal willpower.

I disagree with you.

common themes and reccomendations in this sub:

-you are the prize

-think of women as children

-calling women names (bitch, whore, sluts, any number of degrading comments). This is common and regular even among the top posts

-Thinking of all women as replaceable

All mindset recommendation to put you in that dominant mindset, to make you think you are BETTER than girls so that you are more confident and don't sweat shit as much, instead of the actual, hard to realize alternative, that guess what, women have equal value. To realize that hey, girls rock and sometimes when you get rejected it DOES suck, but your gonna nut the fuck up and be a great guy regardless. Sometimes you really are going to fail and it does mean something, and it should sting a bit. But your gonna be a man in spite of this, because you shouldn't run from the pain, you should be stronger than it.

There is a LOT of "how to fake it, here are tips how to pretend your this kind of person, heres some step by step options when in a situation" instead of the cold simple truth that you just have to BE that kind of person, not pretend.

And go onto fitness, gainit, getmotivated, getdisciplined, seduction, or any other improvement sub and they are CHOCK. FUCKING. FULL. of tips, tricks, and feel good bullshit to try to con yourself into becoming a better person instead of just nutting up and doing it.

While this is common sense to you, I think its something people mentally avoid because its not the easy option and you can be spoonfed bullshit from all improvement subs that will make you feel better, and try to convince you that you can cover up your flaws and failures rather than confronting or fixing them.

I keep trying to link examples of all of this but it keeps then deleting my comment.

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