Studying abroad in Beijing

If you are NA/ EU/ OZ - NO
Studying a 4 year language degree - NO
Wanting to screw around for a PHD after NA/EU/OZ 4 year program and have money to burn -YES
Wanting a work permit, green card, or hopes of finding a local wife (cant work on spouse visa, and you will get reported in 2022) - NO
Studying at any other uni than Peking University and Tsinghua University - NO.

Here are the whys.
AC and heating - NO - north you might get some breathe warm hot air circulated

4 year Language program - dorms are not that bad. Worst case scenario 2-6 people to a dorm with a private toilet no electric after 8pm(some might be 10) Each student ID is allotted x amount of hours of internet per month (The speeds are 10mb down 1mb up. The internet situation gets fucked if you use a router and not use the schools wifi. Who ever logins first gets their time deducted until they logout. Who ever buys the router will without a doubt set everyone at 1mb down and soak everyone's limit to 0 and use theirs when everyone is in class)

The dorm entrance locks(cant leave or exit) after 10pm and there is an absolute *bleep* of a receptionist that will make you sleep in front of the door until 6 am and hate you forever for not going to the hotel she advertises .Beijing uni's you get a student ID to put cash on for cafeteria and after a month of ice cold showers because turning the faucet to warm doesnt work you'll realize you have to use your student ID funds to charge hot water.

Also you wont realize the social structure with the until after you pissed them off if you're NA/EU/OZ and wont get the chance to exploit the needed exploits succeed.

I wont even get into the cafeteria or the way overpriced restaurants on campus your teachers expect you to treat them to.

Anything that is not a foreign language degree and 4 years -

8 person dorm - same electric as above, same internet, crash course in chinese for a 1 year while getting exploited for money and accommodations , and its p2w.

/r/China Thread