Stuff posted on this subreddit that I don't find relatable to me.

While I am trying to stay away from Reddit, I couldn't help but say one thing. I understand why some people are annoyed by the "overly emotional posts" on here, but I got to ask: If one is so pragmatic and stoic, why does someone else's emotional experience bother you? It makes me think that one might not be comfortable with their own emotions, which then leads them to be uncomfortable with others' being expressive with their own emotions. When I see people writing, "this tears me up" or "I'm sick of being taken advantage of", it doesn't bother me. That's their experience. Who am I to tell someone how to express themselves, and why should I care about what a random poster chooses to write (as long as they aren't harming anyone).

I also don't understand why some INFJ's are so quick to label an emotional person as an INFP. You got to understand that some INFJ's on here have been through some horrific trauma that has caused PTSD. Guess what? Some abuse survivors with PTSD can come off as very emotional. There's a lot of data to show that the abused brain experiences emotions differently than a non-abused person. My gut feeling tells me that some of the Infjs on here (especially the males) may have not had to deal with some of the things that an "emotional poster" has to deal with. If you're lucky enough to have a normal upbringing where you were taught how to manage your emotions, please don't judge those that didn't have the privilege that you had.

Before accusing someone of an infp, I would personally want to know the person's background first. You guys talk about using your Ti, but why would you be so quick to assume a person's type based on a few posts?

To the op-I get where you're coming from and don't want to invalidate you. But, I hope other INFJ's on here can see things from a different perspective. We don't know what every poster on here has gone through.

/r/infj Thread