Stupid deputy and awesome cop vs trucker knows the laws October 28, 2018

Like most systems based on English common law, there is a focus on acting as a “reasonable” citizen would act. This means not acting like a “normal” or “regular” citizen, but acting in a manner where there is a clear, justifiable reason. In the case of this statute, the size of the vehicle does not allow for sudden stops. Given this, it would be reasonable to make smaller vehicles yield. This does not, however, allow for the driver of the large commercial vehicle to use their right-of-way in a dangerous manner. The spirit of the law is to avoid accidents. A reasonable person would understand that it’s meant to prevent a driver from having to slam on the brakes of a vehicle that cannot stop quickly, but not to allow them to barrel through with no regard for others. It’s not difficult for someone with common sense. But as they say, “common sense isn’t common.”

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