Stupid People of Reddit, what is the Stupidest thing you've done?

Alright, story time. So, I was 11 years old and spending the night with a friend and, like the dirty weeaboos we were, we decided that 11:30 PM was a perfectly reasonable time to loudly prepare 2 bowls of ramen noodles less than 10 feet away from where her parents slept. A problem arises, problem being that cooking the bowls separately would take too much time/effort. Our brilliant sollution was obviosly to cook them at the same time, one being microwaved while the other was boiled on the stove top. For a little while this seems like a great idea, so while the microwave thrums and the water on the stove boils, we begin to dick around as middle schoolers do. However, amidst our dicking, we begin to smell smoke. Like the good little children we are, we rush to the kitchen to find that a flavor packet hat caught fire beneath the pot on the stove. We then procede to flip the fuck out. She grabs a cup, fills it with tap water, and doueses the small stove fire with it. FWOOSH Small sized fire grows and licks at the ceiling, becoming a DESTROYER OF EXPENSIVE KITCHEN CEILINGS. I run to the parents' door, knock a frantic stacato, run back towards the kitchen, and there is my friend, preparing to throw another cup of water on the beast. I scream NO, forgetting the sleeping parents for a moment, and then run back to the same bedroom door and knock frantically again. A nanosecond after I do this, my friend has douses the fire a second time. The beast is vanquished, but we trade he for another. My friend's father was a burly, 6'7" alcoholic bear of a man and in his eyes, I can see he's been at the bottle. In response to my knocking by flinging open the door amd growling "what?" only to see a pile of wet noodles on the floor, smoke in the air, and two terror stricken tweens, one holding an empty cup. Before he manages to start shouting about the mad house his kitchen has become, I whisper "Well, the fire's out" Had it not been for me, he would not have known about the fire and we only wouldv'e been punished for the mess we'd made, supposedly sans fire.

/r/AskReddit Thread