this sub is eventually going to go private so if we can't figure out how to extract the subscriber list and put it into the approved submitter list...

Thank you. That really touched me :) I delete a lot of what I post/comment- another symptom of my anxiety I guess. Before all the "approved poster" stuff I posted about being an uninsured american. It sucks and there's such a stigma that it's really hard to talk about being uninsured or admit my kids aren't fully vaccinated because of lapses in their insurance.

I'm a college dropout mom who reads and practices praxis every day; my kids are growing up to be smart, eco-minded socialists. They're interested in clean energy and questioning why everyone wants a huge truck, or why there are so many new houses but the homeless can't live in them. I'm helping my SO join & strike with the IWW in unionizing his plant. Not everyone in the South is lost.

/r/ChapoTrapHouse Thread Parent