I think this sub is extremely bad for mental health

"I think this sub is extremely bad for mental health."

the victim complex is out of this world here

honestly, if I did not know it any better, if I did not know that your insecurities are talking to me right now I would think you have an actual mental illness.

you are insane, every time a woman comes here SHE is being insulted and told that she has no idea what she wants. xou people live in your own fantasy and I am now absolutely certain, many here would not get laid if they had 8 inch dicks either. it's just so obvious how fucking insecure you are.

People like you are all the same. You act like you give a shit about mental health issues while actively insulting and belittling those with the fucking mental health issues. YOU are extremely bad for people with mental health. Your condescending, aggressive attitude is bad for mental health. If you're gonna claim to care about our mental health then don't be a judgmental prick.

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