This sub is far too hyperbolic....

Anytime there is an event or new release you’ll see an increase in less hyperbolic posts about how Bungie is “forcing players” to grind, pay $$, or otherwise do something they don’t want to do. Many, but not all, of the people making the most hyperbolic posts have a tendency to treat Destiny less like a game and more like a compulsion. Part of Bungie’s business model, like most AAA game developers, depends on stoking this compulsion to sell content and/or pad their MAUs. Posts tend to be more hyperbolic during new content releases because Bungie is stirring up the compulsions of individuals who don’t necessarily like Destiny all that much but feel the need to collect every time and cosmetic before they feel comfortable putting the game down. It seems hyperbolic to you but for a lot of people with obsessive compulsive and/or addictive personalities it really is a big issue when parts of the game change that feed into disorders or otherwise make them feel uncomfortable. It’s literally making their lives worse but videogame developers are either unable or unwilling to structure live service games that don’t have the unsavory effect of making certain people miserable. As such there tends to be a lot of negativity on DTG when events centered around grinds/Eververse/FOMO come out. I think it’s healthier for anyone to put the game down if they feel strong negative feelings about it and to not stress so much about what should be an enjoyable hobby.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread