Is this a sub full of dreamers?

This sub is as much a biased circle jerk as any other on Reddit. People here claim objectivity, but for the most part said objectivity is defined as, "no, feminism isn't a problem, and women are mostly fine. If as a man you are having a problem, then you must be either maladjusted or mentally ill, because women are innocent."

As far as I'm concerned, it isn't an exaggeration to say that feminism has genuinely and seriously fucked things up, with regards to gender relations. It really isn't much fun being a man, at this particular point in human history. The shoe is now well and truly on the other foot; and the only comeback you'll generally hear to that from feminists, is vindictiveness about how much they hope it hurts.

There are two main reasons why I don't like TRP, and said reasons don't have much to do with the prevailing bias of this subreddit.

  • Male supremacy tends to correspond with fascism, white supremacy, and the neo-reactionary Right, just as feminism/female supremacy usually corresponds with Marxism.

I might not like Marxism, but I like fascism even less. Mencius Moldbug had some intelligent, genuinely interesting, and unexpected things to say; but the average reactionary is still an authoritarian, racist, misogynistic piece of dog shit who generally serves as a very uncomfortable reminder of my father. I tend to associate with the Right more than the Left online these days; but that is only because the Right are generally far more tolerant of me disagreeing with them than the Left, and not because I think the average conservative's ideas are any less mentally ill or self-defeating than those of Marxists.

While I also think that feminism has screwed things up, the Mens' Rights movement can suck a solar system full of dicks, as far as I am concerned. Most of them are angry over the fact that they got the shaft at divorce court.

  • Although they are almost always hard Right, TRP use Darwinism as the entire basis of their argument.

In other words, Natural Selection is what justifies being an abusive, sociopathic asshole towards women, because the only thing that matters is that you successfully reproduce.

/r/PunchingMorpheus Thread