Is this sub only about cutting off contact and/or revenge or letting go? Are there people who work thorough their relationship or find strategies to handle their n-parents?

A few issues there, but just IMHO.

I think it's perfectly possible to love and understand NParents.

It's also perfectly possible to love and understand NParents, whilst also believing that love and understanding no longer outweighs the harm they've done/are doing to you.

(It was love and understanding, mixed with a little pity and a sense of obligation, that kept me around my own Nparents for so long.)

It reminds me of a friend who was married to an alcoholic - she loved him, she understood him, she had compassion for him, that never changed. But in the end she had to put her own wellbeing first, and left him. It broke her to do it, but she just couldn't cope with the alcoholism anymore. Just like people can't cope with their parents' narcissism anymore.

As for resolution. Ns don't change, it's their victims that have to change to accommodate them. Like you say "becoming more powerful within myself, finding personal peace and strength and healing from loss and pain and resentment." It's a one way street, you do the changing, you do the accepting, they're not going to meet you half way on this. They're not even going to appreciate it. Do it well or do it poorly, either way it won't be good enough for them. It's exhausting and it's soul destroying.

It's more like--what are the other options

I tried every option I could think of:

General LC/VLC - My NMother was very demanding, so eventually the only way to get LC/VLC was to pretend I had a health condition that required me to sleep a lot and have bad side effects from medication. It worked a bit, but it did mean that every time I did speak to her I'd have to comfort her in her 'pain' caused by me being sick.

Setting time boundaries - Instead of phone calls being used as NMother's 'comfort me and agree I'm right' sessions, I cut them down to only being used to make arrangements to physically see her. She got very nasty over that. Lots of "FINE!" and phone slamming down, and over-polite "thank you for calling. Goodbye" followed by phone slamming.

Making visits short - Again, she got cranky. We had the tears of "You don't have time for your mother" and the silent treatment "There's no point talking to you whilst you're here, you'll leave soon anyway"

Low information diet - This worked for a about three months. I ran into a couple of problems with it. NMother couldn't give a shit about my life anyway (other than to criticize me), so it took time for her to notice I wasn't talking about my life anymore. Once she did notice, the conversations became impossible. Whereas conversations would be

NMother: Blah, complain, attention seek, demand... how are you?

Me: I'm okay, I planted some flowers in the garden.

NMother: I know all about flowers ! Blah, complain, attention seek, demand...

Conversations became:

NMother: Blah, complain, attention seek, demand... how are you?

Me: I'm okay.

NMother: ~silence~

NMother:~more silence~

NMother: ~pouty voice~ Okthenbye ~sound of mother slamming phone down~

So no, low info diet didn't help.

The day I went NC wasn't planned. I just sat there, being subjected to Ncrap. I understood. I loved. I cared. But none of that stopped me feeling like a pinata that she was smacking and smacking in the hope the sweets would fall out. Then she said one more nasty thing, the sweets fell out, I left and never went back. My NC was 20 years later than it should have been, but at least it's here now.

You do what you do. Cope how you cope. x

/r/raisedbynarcissists Thread