The sub r/watchpeopledie needs to get fucking banned.

I would like to direct your last sentence there toward whichever mod there censored me for having any opinion at all. It's not like I'm some holocaust denier. I just don't think people should act so psychotically toward footage there and have it treated as okay. I can't go into gonewild and start saying "HAH SHE LOOKS LIKE THE DUMB BITCH WHO DIED IN THE SUNNI EXECUTION VIDEO!" It's insane, people don't tolerate it.

With this in mind, it feels like tolerating that kind of behavior there is a recipe to make some seriously deranged murderers who don't have any semblance of empathy left at all after being among other pro-murder idiots.

It goes into the discussion I had with a friend yesterday about it, she was very disturbed and angry with me for watching things like that at all. Her argument was "If no one watched it, who would these people filming it execute others for?" I argued that because I don't watch it doesn't end murder, just like me not eating meat doesn't end slaughterhouses. She held her ground on the subject as did I but I understood her point clearly. It's the same argument I can make toward your "don't look there, easily solved" comment. Just because I find it disturbing doesn't mean ignoring it fixes it. This is why reddit banned the jailbait community a few years ago. There were plenty of people to be upset by it and ignore it, but it was a legitimate haven for pedophiles and was destroying reddits PR. I feel the way people act on watchpeopledie makes it a haven to the kinds of people that think its fun to veer toward animals on the road, punch women and eventually kill other humans. I went into it with a "Why be confused about the ugliness of war" attitude, and then when I see the "WARS GREAT FUCK EVERYONE" mentality within that sub, it was more shocking than any of the videos on there could be.

/r/mildlyinfuriating Thread Parent