This sub talking about EBR's.

(For folks out of the loop, this is a continuation of a previous argument)

That's what you care about. You might only be concerned with damaged wheels not reducing mobility, but many people I've talked to were specifically complaining about shooting the vehicle and not doing any damage to it.

When people say "black hole wheels", they could be complaining about one, the other, both, or something else entirely (you're the first person I've met who puts the vehicle physics under the same label). I can't read minds, so my best option is to do the disambiguation myself and address the points individually. What should happen is that they pick the parts that they meant and we go from there.

But no, that's not what happens. Adding clarity to a vaguely-worded argument is a grave offense. How dare I not correctly understand your point on the first guess? You'll spend 20 paragraphs questioning my moral and intellectual integrity instead.

You are more interested in proving me wrong than understanding my view. In the face of uncertain language, you attack instead of clarify. Why do I think this? Because at the end of the day, we believe the exact same thing. It's just semantics.

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