Suboxone getting me high?

Lol vitamin pee. But buprenorphine has a pretty safe record in terms of overdose. Most of the ones recorded are from mixing it with benzodiazepines or other substances, or being opiate naïve and taking a massive dose or having a reaction. Allergies for example.

I’m sure it accumulates in your blood stream and body but after a certain point you just piss and shit it out. A lot of buprenorphine leaves your body in your shit.

Not sure what the lethal dose is, but it has to be high. I’ve known people to take pretty large doses over the course of a day and they were fine. Like 8 strips over a day for example. This guy said he didn’t even feel any different. They just felt like they needed more. Not sure if that’s because of old tendencies, which used to mean that more is better, or because of the partial agonist properties of the molecule though. But he logically knew taking 3 wouldn’t fee any different than taking 8, but did it anyways lol. But that’s also why it’s such a good drug for addicts. It’s hard to abuse and hard to OD on.

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