Why is this Subreddit so bad at upvoting?

Nah I hear ya, and that's pretty common on pretty much every subreddit from what I've seen. My beef is, I regularly look at the New tab here, and I see lots of really good questions (at least in my opinion) and I'll post to some of them. I will admit, it's rare I upvote a question, unless I think it could be controversial (because this sub in particular seems to love downvoting any sort of controversial question) so I figure while my one upvote won't do any good getting it above a 17% upvoted rating, at least I'm doing my part to encourage discussion and debate on a topic most people on here seem to want to avoid.

Some examples of my questions that have been zero upvoted are the following:

Non-Americans of Reddit: How do you feel about personal liberty/individual rights, i.e. being able to mostly do what you want rather than government telling you what you can/can't do?

Reddit Americans: To what extent do you want your government to protect you and take care of you from day to day dangers/harm (ie everything aside from foreign invasion or terrorist attacks)?

[Serious]How will gun control (in the US) be successful while drug control has proven to be a major failure?

[Serious] Would you support low/free tuition but more exclusivity for University?

And my one question here to get over a dozen upvotes:

Which pre-Playstation era game(s) would you like to see a remake for and what would you like to see in it?

So basically, it seems the more controversial the question, the less people want to see it and so it doesn't get many comments and it stays low voted.

But if the question is vapid and largely meaningless, you can get lots of upvotes (like the top question as I type this is something like "where do you think the person you lost your virginity to is now?")

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