A subreddit for legitimately poor people in the states?

Ah, you picked the wrong bitch today. You stay on Reddit to be problematic. Check it. Step the fuck back old man. I'm a WOMAN who was a high school dropout, paid for her GED and works her ass of sawing rebar & fiberglass, to processing and post welding windows for 12 hours a day trying to union up for benefits and trade. get fuuuuuuuucked. while I'm clocking in hard manual labor, you have time to photograph "illegals" in Ventura? Nice neighborhood watch champ

I have never given in to someone on Reddit like this but you people are the fucking problem here and you're MY fucking problem now after this fucking pandemic. Volatile times & I'd l o v e to square up with you any day of the week.

fuckin, pooprock. Jesus. I can't believe I even just got that into this but fucking hell. and I WANNA KNOW WHERE YOURE DIGGING HOLES FOR $45/HR.

dig ur fuckin hole, bud

/r/findareddit Thread Parent