Why is this subreddit hated sitewide?

I come from a very supportive family. My little sister is 16 and she told me and my mom she never wants kids and we (both of which who are mothers, she has 4 kids I have 1) said “GOOD!” And my mom and I just looked at eachother and laughed. And I full 100% believe she will never have kids. That’s just who she is. She even avoids my son if we’re at their house! Which makes me laugh. I’m not offended by it at all. Do I think she HATES him because of this? Absolutely not. One day he won’t be a child anymore and they can have a good relationship then. I’m not at all worried about it right now. It’s not a shameful thing at all. And I don’t understand how people can be so invading about it. I feel so bad for people who come out to their families about something so personal and they get absolutely no support. Like it has absolutely nothing to do with anyone else besides yourself. And all the bingo-ing is totally disrespectful. You wouldn’t ask someone about their sexuality. Let’s change the life style choice and wording real quick.. “Why are you gay? Maybe you’ll change your mind later. You’re just gay because you don’t know about the other options you have. Once you’re with the opposite sex you’ll know it’s what you want. Wait until you try it. ” Like that is absolutely asinine!! That’s totally disgusting and it’s the same context. I don’t get it. Just mind your business, support your people, and if you can’t handle the truth or take some criticism the internet isn’t a place for you. But if you feel you need support where it’s lacking, I’ll support you. Follow all your CF dreams! And keep calling out shitty parenting. Lord knows we don’t need anymore entitled, disrespectful, YouTube watching zombie bratty anti-vaxx children walking around.

/r/childfree Thread Parent