This subreddit is the most genuinely autistic thing I’ve seen in my life.

I'm sure this will be down voted, but oh well.

I find the show just something interesting to watch. I like the cringe, I like the dumb jokes, I like the outrageous moments and dumb times. Its not exactly the funniest thing in the world, but I'm a sucker for character interactions and development. I also just like the same things. I know what I like And I stick to it.

However, when it comes to this sub... Yeah, it's just the same jokes getting so many praises, it's the same copied ideas happening and everyone acts like it's the first time, and people trying to make memes. I like the discussion, but it rarely happens. You're going to see the same meme 383625 times before someone asks a discussion question that isn't just an idea that everyone else has already questioned and thought of.

/r/DunderMifflin Thread