Subreddit reopening

I had a contract from a company that was complicit in the deception. They STILL have the wrong videos and screenshots up. That makes their "contract" worthless.

The sue them too. Take them to court. File a complaint with a consumer protection agency. That's the same recourse I have when a contractor says he can lay tile but botches the work.

And no, some starry eyed developer saying he's making a game that has features X, Y, and Z isn't a promise of ANYTHING. Half the time they want to put something into it, they find out it doesn't play well when it gets to testing. So, was he wrong for going on TV, yeah. Might it be actionable? Maybe - its hard to call talking about something that doesn't exist advertising though.

So? What are you going to do? Complain about how awful it is? Or not make the same mistake in the future. Thats what this comes down to. Nobody is holding a gun to your head and saying believe every word that a developer says about a product that they might be incapable of producing and sign all your rights away working with a retailer that just acts as a naive intermediary web storefront and does nothing to police what is allowed on their site.

/r/NoMansSkyTheGame Thread Parent