Subreddit Ruling: Richard Lewis

This isn't the only time he's been accused of this. I think this comment makes a perfectly fair argument:

The admins aren't going to do anything about it because it's not against the rules.

You've actually been very close to being banned on multiple occasions. Since you apparently don't read your PMs I guess you wouldn't have seen the warning that I sent you a little while ago. So let's do it publicly this time:

Stop calling in your Twitter army when you don't like the way that a comment thread is going for you. Yes, you're not explicitly asking for votes, but you are definitely asking for support. You're not dumb, you know perfectly well what's going to happen when you link to a thread while complaining about how all the meanies on reddit don't agree with you.

If you lot want me to stop linking comments fine, I'll mention how dumb they are without a link and the same thing will happen.

Sure, do that instead. Personally, I don't know why you need to whine on Twitter about arguments you're having on a completely different site at all. But if you must, do it without the link. Talking about reddit is completely fine, trying to bring in sympathetic people to influence it for you is not.


Notice how this is something he already had problems with this exact same issue a full year ago in a totally different subreddit and yet he still continues to do it today with /r/leagueoflegends comments/threads. Add that to all the chances he was given to stop being such a colossal dickhead here and how he made zero effort to stop and I really couldn't care less if he lost his privilege to have his content posted here. I'm perfectly happy not seeing his content on this site with the way he acts like such a fucking two year old all the time. If he had just not linked to the comments he was bitching about this wouldn't have even been a problem. The fact that he couldn't even comply with such a simple request as that is so absurdly ridiculous. I say good riddance.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread