Subs like r/foreveralone are suicide fuel

I find it kinda true, especially this generation--I feel like they have higher standards of women they even see. Beauty is lifefuel for them and makes them feel a girl is worth enough to love/crush on, if awkward FA guys do bloom and truly go out of their way, it's almost always for a cute girl. Can't be a plain or ugly one, who they usually end up hiding from their friends and family out of shame, or, god forbid, complain about on Reddit.

Reminds me of how guys typically treat me with dead-eyed disgust (again without me even saying anything) as if their soul has left their bodies while I've been around the most spiteful, glaring, and also quiet Stacy ever and...I saw that men looked as if sunshine has shown on their souls because their faces relaxed into genuine joy and warmth when they saw her, greeting her, approaching her, even though she reacted in complete disgust to every one of them. Major pink pill. I think two of them were self-described "FA" guys (5"3 ethnic guys that talked incel stuff sometime) I knew. University was so weird.

/r/AskTruFemcels Thread