The Subtlety of Zen

No clarity, failure to communicate and answer questions, yeah, it's exactly because your notions are vague and make no sense

No i satisfied all the conditions and answered every question, every single question without fail.

That's why I recommend you to ask a philosophy student, or better yet a professor, for what they think of your advocacy

I am a student of philosophy and I've talked with people who are more intelligent than any professor of philosophy I also understand the inherent bias and foundational failures of reductionism which is the foundation of modern philosophy so it would be like me denying the divinity of christ and asking a catholic theologian to correct me. Its ridiculous

If you want to worship your own vague premonitions in private, that's totally up to you, but you're in the public sphere making claims not only about your personal beliefs but about all kinds of religions and stuf

"No reverence" and I am not making claims I'm actually destroying them. I didn't even make any claims I just pointed out that the emperor is wearing no clothes. That's not a claim its an evaluation of the plain as day evidence. The logical conclusion of Atheist Naturalism as the science stands when taken to its ultimate entailed conclusion, is a form of simplified pantheism akin to what Spinoza was on about. Its not my cup of tea but hey I don't decide what other people believe. The reason I can't just give you answers is because its not like that, its the Absolute which is why you learn Zen so you can transmit the teachings of this Absolute to another worthy successor. That's obviously not you, and I'm obviously not at the level of the Ultimate Stage necessary to transmit Mind-to-Mind. A neophyte at best, a barely passable novice of the Way at worst. But no claims have been made and my belief is in no belief.

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