Subverse, an indie porn game, has outraised Star Citizen on Kickstarter

For you and /u/woxxon and /u/RushofBlood52, I think you all are being unfairly dismissive. Speaking as somebody who has long participated in the debates surrounding stuff like GG, but who doesn't identify as being as part of side or the other in those debates (i've had the displeasure of being targetted by harassment and the like by both sides, my feelings on it all are sort of complicated), aurondarklord is one of the most intellectually honest and consistent people who probably identifies as being "Pro GG"

He, on multiple occasions, has called out /r/KotakuInAction 's mods, as well as the sub's general community on being hypocritical, being biased, enabling and upvoting content, posts, and comments that are bigotted or are dog-whistling biggoted content. Such as here, where he calls out posts being removed by the mods that were about Trump trying to censor criticism of himself, since Auron actually gives a shit about standing against censorship, regardless of who is doing it; or here where Auron goes "fucking finally" towards white nationalism/white genocide content and dogwhistling being banned there.

I don't always agree with Auron's points or perspectives, but he's absolutely willing to, and has called out when "his side" has done bad things and is willing to admit it, and to call them out. He is, contrary to your assertion "willing to listen".

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