Success and disappointment megathread for the week of (September 04)


The girl under me quit last week and has her last day tomorrow. She quit because we're too busy and she couldn't handle the angry customers calling and berating her and our company on our slow response time and poor service.

For months I've been asking our COO for another employee to help, as I have been behind since I started working 2 years ago.

We've been interviewing for the mentioned girl's replacement and I went from getting a replacement and one extra person, to only getting one person, who will also be focusing on social media marketing. When he told myself and the other two people I work with in our office I burst out laughing.

Over the last 3 weeks I've put together a shit ton of data outlining a clear lack of workforce to get the job done. I brought up the complaints we've received and how inefficient our processes are because we can't follow through with anything without getting an angry call asking us why we haven't replied to Jon Does email.

I put this big display together and the COO says 'well I don't want to just throw money at it'. WTF?! Hiring one more person would pay for themselves twice over! I know because it's my fucking brand and I've been in charge since it was acquired.

Fuck it pisses me off. Our new hire can't start for 2 weeks, I've absorbed all of the outgoing girl's clients, and I'm already completely swamped with mine. How do I make it any clearer? I have 60 projects going on now and I told the COO I can only handle 30 effectively, and I get no response.

I have my 2 year review next month and if they don't hire another sales person or pay me a lot more I'm out. What a wasted opportunity.

/r/jobs Thread