Successful 2 Witness ruling?

I know of 2 people who were disfellowshipped for CSA and both were reported to the police. In both situations, it was the father abusing their daughters.

I know of another situation where two young girls (not witnesses) accused an elder of molesting them, and the elder was removed but not disfellowshipped. The police were contacted and did an investigation and had reason to suspect the accusations were false, so no actions were taken (this also is probably why the brother was not disfellowshipped. As the girls were not witnesses, it’s not like elders could interview them). However, the brother was never allowed to serve again. Years later, it was confirmed the accusations were false.

These situations all happened in a mandatory reporting state, so that explains why the allegations were all reported, even in first two situations where there was only 1 witness.

/r/exjw Thread