Succinct post on what happens when you don't give these women attention.

I really wouldn't believe it if I didn't witness it myself. I'm pretty new to TRP, I starting watching Dante Nero and testing his strange pimp philosophy and to my complete surprise, it really does work. Even if it's not for sex, just understanding certain principles help you handle yourself differently in certain situations where you would normally be at a disadvantage. I've been using my sister as a prototype for frame training because she's a total c*nt and shit tests regularly, plus ive never really known how to deal with her shit tests. So This weekend she was over and just being the worst, insulting, making rude jokes at others expense, just generally being shitty, and before, where I would react to her bullshit and fall into her frame, i just stayed working on this stencil I was making and ignoring her while she practiced her dance for competition. It was like night and day. She started falling into me, asking questions, touching me, doing literally anything she could to get me to look at her. But I just kept ignoring her. It was like watching a drug addict coming off the stuff, she didn't know how to handle not getting attention even when she was trying, and boy does she love attention. As soon as I asked her a question she would start with the shit again. This made me realize that attention is to women is what sex is to men. It's not a want it's a need, and if they don't get it their mind goes haywire. At the same time if she gets it, she feels comfortable and able to control the situation in her favor. Lay down the emotionless hand and watch then squeal, like us men tend to do when they lay down the sexless hand. Master your silly ape emotions and have them playing to you instead of you playing to them. So anyone saying this is crazy is right, but it does work so it's really not that crazy.

/r/TheRedPill Thread