why do i have such a big deformed looking chin/jaw? (left is what i wish it looked like, right is what it actually looks like)

so this isn’t anything i’ve ever been bullied for. in fact NO ONE has ever commented on this feature luckily. it’s simply coming from myself. i’ve realized in recent years that i have a very large or long chin/jawline. i get that i have a long face and it’s meant to bring balance, but i’m really starting to think it’s ruining my smile especially. my mouth is so far above my chin. it’s just too big it looks ridiculous. and so now im wondering is there something genetically wrong with my lower face? i have straight teeth from braces. i sucked my thumb as a kid idk if that has anything to do with anything. but yeah it’s really starting to bug me. i don’t want to be hard on myself and i know it’s important to love yourself but when there’s such a prominent flaw you see in yourself it’s really hard to overcome it. so i’m just wondering if there’s a physical problem because if so i’d like to fix it so it doesn’t get worse as i age. it’s really making me insecure with every photo taken of me. idk how to post a photo here so ill leave a comment below. i edited a photo to compare what i feel a more average jaw/chin would look like vs what mine actually looks like. (left is the edited and right is reality)

/r/beauty Thread Link - i.redd.it