Such a high IQ

I don't know. I grew up in a small town and also lived there as an adult, and most people there treated me like I was a snob. I did well in school, I'm pretty weird in general, and I'm socially awkward. That was enough for many people to assume I was rude and that I looked down on them, even though I never did (and still don't). I've never been rude; I have a lot of faults, but that isn't one of them.

But my demeanor, or something, made people think I hated them, so they said horrible things to me preemptively. Even professionals that I reached out to for help treated me this way. I had multiple therapists tell me that all my problems would be solved if I weren't such a snob, which was completely unhelpful advice, since I never actually was.

Since I left my hometown permanently, about 10 years go, I've met very few people who treated me the way I was treated there. My everyday interactions usually go well. One woman who treated me badly a few months ago also lived in a small town. She asked me about the best car repair shops in my neighborhood, and I didn't know. She acted like I considered this info beneath my notice, when in fact I just rarely drive. But something about my face, voice, or word choice made her hate me. She hurt my feelings a little, but the conversation also made me feel really grateful for having escaped my hometown.

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