such a nerd :) :)

I'm constantly saying this too. as a youtuber i love once said (and not quoting verbatim) "these men will complain about girls being nerdy cause theyre 'just doing it for attention' and then in the same breath go 'why arent there any girls that like what i like? :/"

I have had to endure constant quizzing and testing from men about a lot of my interests, plus people are at different stages of their nerdom, and its not for anyone to shoo them from it or shame them about it. And then these girls like this...who make it so that there are people who will always question to an extent how genuine of a fan you are of something. I had a roommate who was a hard core gamer, she only played phone apps, and I had to do a lot of convincing to get her to try halo, and she was always about that "nerd life"...

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